Sunday, May 12, 2024

Somebody found Jesus.

Kadizzle has pissed a lot of people off. Today one of those people who did not like a letter to the editor apologized for being angered by the letter. The clouds lifted, joy was brought back to the world. You can go to your church, you can go to your school, but if you don't have Jesus, your and educated fool. At least that is what the song says. Now, to clarify old Kadizzle is not a religious person in the traditional sense. Every religion has some good ideas. There is nothing wrong with forgiveness, there would be a lot fewer wars, battle, and anger with more forgiveness. 

After the man apologized Kadizzle also told him Kadizzle is far from perfect. We have all made mistakes and said things in anger or with lack of thought. Fishing those words back is usually difficult or impossible, but you have to admire those who try. To often someone says something and we read into it something that is not there. Be careful. 

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