Tuesday, May 07, 2024

Coal Fire

 I read a story about a coal fire

That burned for 80 miles underground
Under rivers and across the state line
Without a flame, without a sound

It burned a building and some fence posts
When it came up from the dirt into the sky
When they interviewed the townsfolk
They said the hell was on the rise

Now, I'm looking out a window
While you are sleeping
I'm scared out of my mind
Oh no, I feel that fire creeping
Everywhere I go always burns down
Everyone I love is trying to figure me out
Everything I knew I buried underground

I saw a picture of a picture
That reminded me of myself
Like a coal fire burning underground
From up above it's hard to tell

And you said that I could stay here
Open my chest for just you to see
All these acres of quiet fires
That are burning down in me

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