Wednesday, May 08, 2024

Maybe you didn't notice

 In the video below W.C. Fields plays cards with a bunch of card cheats. Did you notice? Somehow the Hoopleheads just don't notice what is going on. Trump is the worst cheat of our lifetime. Did you notice? If you watch W.C. Fields you will see him doing everything in his power to cheat, same with Trump. Watch carefully how W.C. Fields shuffles, and laugh when the cards are cut. This is Trump. This is Mr. Pillow, and all the thieves that work with Trump. It would be interesting to show this W.C. Fields clip to a Hooplehead and then ask what they saw.  Hoopleheads miss a lot. Hoopleheads see what they want to see. Hoopleheads hear what they want to hear. Did the Hoopleheads hear the one player say " The first person with four aces wins".  That is Trump and his election cheating. Trump is W.C. Fields a man full of bluster and uninhibited by morality. 

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