Friday, May 10, 2024

Gabe the typical Trump Republican

Somehow old Kadizzle ran into Gabe the lying Republican. More than likely it was connected to Rob Port.  Rob Port is a conservative writer in North Dakota. Strange thing about Port is he got smarter. This doe not usually happen. Apparently Port broke out of the bubble and read some real reporting. His mind opened up.  Now back to Gabe.

Kadizzle moved to Payson, AZ about two years ago. Quickly Kadizzle got into the game with the Republicans. Calling the Republicans is a bit of a misnomer. The local Republicans are the cultist Republicans. The cultist have strayed a long way from reality and the truth. In North Dakota Kadizzle got a taste of crooked politics, but it is mild compared to the crap they do in Arizona. The head of the Republican mafia here is Gary Morris. When Gary Morris realized Kadizzle might be a thorn in his lying side Gary did what Gabe does. Gary searched every nook and cranny of the internet about Kadizzle. Of course Gary and Gabe came across the story when Kadizzle encountered Senator Cramer at a town hall meeting in Mandan, North Dakota. At that meeting what the encounter was really about was a woman and a child born with birth defects.  The real story did not have the impact the news media wanted, so the news media left most of the story untold. At that meeting Kadizzle put 23 dollars down the shirt collar of Senator Cramer. Perhaps that was a bad idea, maybe it was not. That incident never got reported fairly for a long time. Gabe, and Gary Morris capitalized on the publicity, and claimed contrary to reality that Kadizzle assaulted Cramer. Cramer himself said on Rob Port's radio program he was never assaulted. 

 Now we come to the special way Gabe Thompson and Gary Morris lie. Both these rats know they are deceiving. Kadizzle has tried to talk to Gary Morris about his lying multiple times, but Gary Morris runs. Then you have Gabe Thompson. Just like Gary he refuses to speak directly about his lying. Does all this remind you of Trump? Trump pleads the fifth amendment, lies constantly and refuses to be held accountable. Gabe Thompson and Gary Morris are two of a kind following in Trump's lying tradition.

Kadizzle made a very sarcastic post about Republicans on facebook. Gary Morris took the post lied about it and used the picture with false implications. In the post Kadizze was wearing a MAGA hat. Winky threw the hat out a year before Gary Morris claimed Kadizzle wore it into Republican headquarters. The lie is posted several places. This mimics Gabe and his willingness to post part of the story. 

In Payson, the police arrested Kadizzle for "trespassing" at Republicans headquarters. Kadizzle confronted the Republicans about school children being shot for lack of gun control. In this case the prosecutor realized it would be easy to prove how the Replublicans lied and the prosecutor dropped the entire case. Gabe could find this out, but it does not fit his lying narrative. So Gabe continues to lie, just as Gary Morris does. Gary Morris claimed in court Kadizzle spit on. him. Kadizzle has a video of the encounter that clearly shows he never spit on Gary Morris, but Gary Morris lied under oath in court.  Gary Morris and Gabe are from the same pea pod.

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