Saturday, May 11, 2024

Donuts with Democrats this morning

The contrast between Democrats and Republicans will be on full display at ten today. Come on down to Bonita Street and participate. Democrats believe in freedom, the real kind, not the kind of "We the People".  Democrats allow everyone to talk, the microphone is passed around the circle. Note it is a circle. Republican let a liar speak, and then boo if anyone challenges the liar. 

You see it everywhere—the quote "We the People." It adorns hats, graces the back of pickup trucks, and is proclaimed wherever Republicans  gather. Yet, sadly, for some, its meaning has become twisted, morphed into a narrow definition that excludes rather than embraces. To them, it signifies "We the People who watch Fox News" or even worse, "We the people who invade the Capitol." This misuse has tarnished the beauty and power of a phrase that once symbolized the unity and inclusivity of a nation.

But let us remind ourselves, "We the people" transcends mere slogans and symbols. It embodies the collective will and shared values of a diverse populace. True patriotism isn't displayed through the waving of flags or the donning of partisan hats; it's demonstrated through actions that uplift and empower all members of society.

"We the people" are not defined by our political affiliations or the color of our hats. Instead, we are defined by our commitment to justice, equality, and the well-being of every individual within our community. We do not turn a blind eye to the struggles of minorities, women, or immigrants; rather, we strive to amplify their voices and dismantle the barriers that hinder their progress.

As we witness the misuse of "We the People" by certain right-wing proponents, let us reclaim its true spirit. Let us embody the inclusive and compassionate ideals upon which this nation was founded. Let us stand in solidarity with those who are marginalized and oppressed, recognizing that our strength lies in our diversity and our ability to uplift one another.

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