Monday, November 07, 2022

The Universe is sending a message

 Kadizzle is not big on superstition, religion, or most of the other hocus pocus. However, something strange is going to take place. Tuesday there will be a total eclipse of the moon. It will not happen again for three years. Does the moon know about the election. If you were a moon how else could you tell the people on Earth the world is about to change?

Anyone can make up insane ideas. Trump showed us that. Now Kadizzle wants to make up a crazy. What if all that empty space, out in space was really not empty. What if as we flew through space with our planet and solar system we flew clouds of rational thought, clouds of ignorance, and clouds of progress, and regression?

How do you explain an entire planet of humans all becoming idiots at the same time? How do you explain the sudden burst of knowledge for the whole planet?

Currently the solar system has drifted into a invisible cloud of right wing insanity. Just like a car that pass into and out of a fog, will we pass out of this fog? Ships wreck in the fog, planes crash in the fog. Will we? There has always been some fog. Religion is a fog that never lifts. People love a simple explanation for complex things. That is why Kadizzle just made up this nonsense. Cannot explain what is going on so just make up some silly explanation. Now, the next major trick is to believe you own lie. 

Tuesday Kadizzle will make his trip to the Casino. Now wait a second. Kadizzle will win for the 21st consecutive time. You think this cannot be. Kadizzle will win because he did learn something about statistics. On the other hand most of the people in the casino will lose. Those people losing their social security checks believe every sort of strange theory about slot machines being hot or cold or about to hit. Kadizzle read an article in a gaming magazine about ho to use a mantra while playing a slot machine. 

The Hoopleheads like Frank and Jeff B. never mastered the concept of cause and effect. That is how Trump makes them dance. Now, back to the slot machine. A slot machine operates on simple probability. You flip a coin and there is a fifty fifty chance one side or the other will come up. God didn't do it, your mantra didn't do it, nor did your rabbits foot. Now a strange thing does happen. The more you flip the coin, and if you keep track the more the toss will come toward the average. The casino knows this, but the Hoopleheads don't. Remember the Hoopleheads believe every lie they are told. The Casino knows that if the Hooplehead stays at the slot machine the Casino will get the Hooples money at the rate of ten percent. What does that mean? That means the Hoople will get back 90 dollars for every 100 he puts in. Let this go on long enough and the Hoople is broke. Of course you have to fool the Hooplehead to get him to stay there. So you let him win once in awhile. At least you make him think he wins. Hooples remember the wins, but forget the loses. That works great for the Republicans and the casino. What if you could get the Hooples to believe Joe Biden controls gas prices? Sure you can. You can get the Hooples to believe Democrats run sex rings. The Hooples are being bilked out of hundreds of billions of dollars with the lottery. The Hooples think they can win with odds of 200 million to one against them. Even if the Hoople wins the lottery still wins. The Hoople got one billion, the lottery got tens of billions and just gave the Hoople one billion. 

Hooples just plain do not understand math. The classic are crime figures. Republicans know how to fool Hooples with math, just like the casino. Crime is low compared to long time statistics. Of course on a day to day basis crime figures will go up and down, but that is a little complicated for the Hooples. 

Now look at gas prices. The Hoopleheads never ask " What should the price of gas be with normal inflation?"  OK, Hoople think about this, Kadizzle is 73 years old, he used to be able to buy a candy bar for ten cents at the drug store. Now that same candy bar even smaller is two dollars. Did Joe Biden do that? No that is inflation over time. Cigarettes used to fifty cents a pack. Now a pack of weeds is five dollars. Did Joe Biden do that? Lets get back to gasoline. One could argue that gas prices are actually low or about where they should be considering normal inflation, but Hooples do not understand economics, or math. 

Numbers confuse Frank, and Jeff B.  Here is an example. What kind of miles per gallon does a jet get? If you divide the miles the jet travels by the amount of fuel used you will come up with a figure that might make you think jets get poor milage. On the other hand if you divide the miles by the passengers you might be amazed that the jet passenger plane is getting about 22 miles per gallon per passenger. It is all how you paint the picture with numbers. 

Republicans know math is foreign to the Hooples so they feed them stuff like trickle down and crime. Republicans love to put ads on the TV claiming immigrants are criminals. Of course the guys at the Tea Party don't look at figures the way normal people do. The percent of immigrants that are criminals is way lower than the same percentage in any large city. This is where logic escapes the Hoopleheads. Listen closely Frank. If you were a criminal in any country south of the border it might be reasonable to assume you were better off economically than most of the people around you. The theory is crime pays. Now Frank, why would you leave and head for the border if you were doing OK in Mexico. Nope, you would stay. So who would head for the border? The people at the border are the ones not doing well, because they are honest hard working people the criminals exploit. Does this make sense Frank?

Another quick lesson for Frank. How do you spot a criminal. Well the robber usually is the guy with the money. Now think about this Frank, who has the money in the United States. Is it the guy living in the slums in a run down apartment with rats or is it the guy with multiple houses and a jet? Who stole the cookies Frank, the fat guy or the skinny guy? Republicans live and breath by diversion. While Frank is looking at the border the Republicans rob him blind with tax cuts for the rich. Wake up Frank. 

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