Friday, November 04, 2022

Sunshine on fresh snow

A crystal clear sky is allowing the sun to blast it's rays off the new snow. The scenery is spectacular. The snow will melt quickly and all the water in the neighborhood will run to our backyard. Who ever engineered the drainage in this development should have his license revoked.  

 While they have the gun loaded to shoot engineers they need to fire one at the guy who designed the latest ebike to come in the mail. The computer system is insane. Instead of simply displaying the information like how much battery you have, the computer blinks color coded messages. That would be fine if you studied Morris Code, but it does not work well as you cruise down a hill. This problem was brought on by the addiction to cell phones. The younger set wants bikes that have a blue tooth connection to the phone. This means you have to mount your phone on the handlebar, and get your info there. 

An observation. Kadizzle went to a different doctor yesterday. A strange thing in the doctor offices here are the dogs. Yup, two out of three doctors Kadizzle deals with have little dogs running around their office. Doctoring here is much more casual than what one would find in the big city. Reminds Kadizzle of something he saw over fifty years ago. Before we were married we went to school at West Virginia University. Going home one day we drove past a veterinarian's office. Lying in the front yard of the place was the head of a horse that looked like it had been sawed off at the shoulders with a chain saw. 

The mind of Kadizzle never stops. The night before visiting the doctor Kadizzle wondered how do doctors learn to sew stitches. Since he was at the doctors office he posed the question to the doctor. The surgeon said you buy pigs feet and practice sewing on pigs feet. Then he said you go on youtube and learn surgery. Finally you get some good fake diplomas and away you go. It seemed to have worked well for him so Kadizzle asked where to get pigs feet. 

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