Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Cowards with lickspittle topping

When you think Trump has run our of ways to be despicable he comes up with more. Hosting racist at his nest takes the cake. That brings us to cowards. The lickspittles like the ones Kadizzle used to have in North Dakota. John Hoeven, Kelly Armstrong, and Kevin Cramer. Three elected gutless lickspittles without the courage to go against Trump. Pathetic humans so engrossed by money and power they lick Trumps boots. Of course we have the same bunch of right wing cowards in Arizona. Trump does something outrageous and his minions act like nothing happened. 

The idiot test is so simple today. Just ask a person if they voted for Trump. A one question IQ test. Better yet maybe you do not have to ask. The person may be wearing an idiot hat or have a handgun at their side. Mark them down as an idiot. 

Kadizzle has become engrossed in a youtube serious done by a pilot that analyzes plane mishaps. So many accidents are caused by ego, and self delusion. A pilot refuses mentally to see he has made an error. To magnify the error the pilot uses poor information to confirm his error. Seeing the runway is critical. However, in snowy conditions mistakes can be made. The mind searches for a rectangle and will grab onto any rectangle. The end result might be landing on a snowy rectangle that is not the runway. 

Frank, and Jeff B. do this everyday along with the rest of the Trumpsters. They force their mind to make sense of things that don't make sense. Admitting you are wrong is a difficult skill to acquire. The mind does not like being wrong Frank. 

Kadizzle likes to remind himself " You know what you know, and you don't know what you don't know".  Knowing what you don't know is crucial. You do not get to make up what you don't know. It can be fatal. Be careful. The mind is an expert at filling in gaps. Kadizzle like every old man is losing his hearing. It is an interesting process. The mind does not have enough information to interpret properly what someone said. No problem, the mind uses what information it did get and constructs an incorrect conclusion. A person says " Typical nasty weather", Kadizzle hears " Tickle your ass with a feather?".  You can see the danger here. Frank and Jeff B. do this every day with Trump. Trump invites a racist to dinner. Then Trump claims he did not know who the anti-Semite was who came with the racist. Frank and Jeff B. recall how Trump has black people who support him. In their mind it all turns out Trump is a loving guy who likes everyone including the Proud Boys and the gang that trashed the Capitol. It makes sense to them, but it does not make sense. On the surface a Ponzi scheme makes sense, but dig a little and the logic fails. Frank, and Jeff B. don't dig. As soon as they find something yellow, they are sure it is gold. 

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