Saturday, November 05, 2022

The Stupids Step Out read aloud

You may not want to endure the video. When our children were small we used to read them the book. It certainly taught them what stupids are. On Tuesday next week the country may be brought to it's knees if enough of the stupids step out. The book makes it easy to spot a stupid, Trump does to. Around here the stupids put Trump stickers on their car and wear red hats. Be careful if you go to a business and Fox News is on the TV. An NRA sticker can tip you off. Then there are the super stupids. In their yard will be the "Don't tread on me flag".  Flags are a good indicator the brain cells have died. If you see a vehicle flying a big flag that is a big warning. A Conferderate flag means you have encountered someone whose brain is running on fumes. Another poplar flag among the braid dead is an American flag that is not red white and blue, but blue, black, white. Now this one is really goofy. The people that fly it support the police, but they had no problem attacking the police at the Capitol. 

The stupids like to step out when someone shows up to lie to them like Kari Lake, Wendy Rodgers, Blake Masters, and the super liar Donald Trump. Almost forgot another class of the stupids. That is the gun guys. Sometimes they just go to the grocery store with a gun on their side, but give them a chance to dress up like a soldier, and he we go. Deep down the stupids know they were never that bright, but Trump gives them hope. Trump made it stealing, lying, and selling delusions, why can't they? 

When you are goofy nothing reassures you like hanging around with a bunch of other people who have the same disfunction. That way you feel more normal. If you go to a Trump rally you can be totally insane, and feel like, I am just like everyone else. 

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