Monday, November 07, 2022

Hello Russians.

Just checked the statistics for this blog. If they can be believed there are 182 Russians following this nonsense. Nice to have you aboard my friends in Russia. Wow, you have a mess in your country and are causing one in ours. Putin does his best to mislead people. He lies as much as Trump. We got Trump, you got Putin. Of course you poor people in Russia have your Hoopleheads that believe Putin. Welcome to the club. You guys in Russia know your system is rigged. The Republicans here have made a mockery of democracy. If you want to see stupid in action just count the number of people tomorrow who will vote for Republican Nazis.  

Supposedly we are free in this country, but freedom has a strange ring to it now. We are free to watch Fox News, and believe Trump. We are free to be a dumb as we want. Old Krushev used to say " We will bury you".  Who ever dreamed the Russians would bury us with our own internet, Fox News, and The Donald. 

Nuclear weapons are child's play compared to nuclear lies. Even Russians used to propaganda would have a hard time believing the stuff fed to the Hoopleheads here. 

Thing may get way better for Putin and his cyber attacks. Should the Hooples win tomorrow feeding them crazy juice will be far easier. Trump and Putin have split our country with a lying ax. 

It would be great to get a comment from a real Russian. Have at it. If you come here and miss the communist party, Kadizzle can take you to a Tea Party meeting. That is our version of delusion. 

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