Thursday, November 03, 2022

Let it Snow

 That weather lady said we may get some snow. The problem is the Kadizzles are above 5,000 ft. When other get rain those on top get snow. Omar said it is the lapse rate. Omar does the lapse rate apply to memory? The older you get the higher the lapse rate?

Yesterday Kadizzle had an insane conversation. A lot of people walk in the park every day. One happens to live in our general area. Kadizzle stopped on the ebike to have a chat with him. Lets just say this fellow has a bit of a different life style. His sex life does not follow the normally accepted avenues.  

During the conversation with Kadizzle, lets just call him Willy, Willy made some very nasty remarks about Jewish people. Willy also made nasty remarks that were racist about other groups. Since Willy is a homosexual he made some remarks like " All women are bitches". 

Kadizzle pointed out to Willy that since he was a member of a minority he might reconsider his stance on name calling. Strangely during the conversation Willy kept saying Kadizzle was judgemental. 

Now this brings Kadizzle to the conundrum. Willy has a skill, a highly technical skill that requires some sort of intelligence. This is the puzzle ? How can someone master the knowledge to be a doctor, a lawyer, or some other profession, yet not have enough sense to tell Trump is a lying scoundrel. The only decent answer Kadizzle can come up with is some people can remember, but cannot think. You can go a long way on memory alone. If you can remember certain landmarks you can make it home. On the other hand if you had to solve a puzzle to get home maybe you would be lost. 

Fox News has shown us a lot of people are wandering around in the fog. Trump showed us there are 71 million people incapable of identifying a lying con man. Society has always had a use for dolts. Nothing makes better cannon fodder than some simple minded young guy high on patriotism. Russia as we speak is grinder up Russian dolts in the Ukraine war. Think about it. You can tell a Hooplehead they will get a shiny piece of metal to pin to their chest if they risk getting their head blown off to help some company that sells fighter planes make a profit. 

Come to Arizona and see the political ads. Who is Blake Masters trying to reach along with Kari Lake. You got it right, the Hoopleheads. 

Now for some simple math. 27% of our population is hard core deprived of logical thought (stupid). That is the population the $19.95 ads are aimed at. That is the population the TV preachers pick on. That is the population that buys lottery tickets, and visits the casino. Now think about it. If you were going to run for public office and appeal to normal people you would start out with a deficit. Trump only has to lie and act simple to win that hard core group of Hoopleheads that make up the 27%.  So you have to get 27% of normal or logical people just to break even.  Stangely the founding fathers knew the danger of the Hoopleheads. The founders knew how dangerous religion was, and they knew the average person was easy to fool. They designed our government to protect us from a mass of ignorant people. Unfortunately the Republicans have destroyed our protections. Education vaccinates people against foolishness, but the Republicans want to destroy education. The Supreme Court was designed to protect us from corporations, and the greed of the Republicans, but the court has been destroyed. Republicans have eaten away at all the things that were intended to protect us from a mob of dolts. What do dolts do, they elect dolts. 

At one time the United States had the best educational system in the world. Today we are ranked 28th. China is number one. A critical thing education does is teach logic. Logic is toxic to Republicans. Lets try some simple logic. If someone robs a bank they will end up with a bag full of money. Who ended up with a bag full of money, the rich, or the poor? Republicans have convinced the Hoopleheads that the poor stole the money. Wow, didn't the Hooples notice the poor don't live very well considering they stole all the money. The 20% of people who are poor only ended up with 2% of the GDP. On the other hand the 10% at the top got 40%.  Who stole the money? Talk to a person at random when you visit the Tea Party and they will explain to you how trickle down has been a success. You cannot make water run uphill, but with tax breaks for the rich you can make money run uphill. 

The real genius of the greedy was twisting the government so the rich could buy all the politicians they wanted. When politicians need some cash they don't call the Hoopleheads. Nope, they call the guys they made rich with tax breaks. Now here is a classic case of logic. The king of the Hoopleheads, Donald Trump, begs the Hooples for money, yet The Donald claims he has ten billion dollars. 

The Donald reminds old Kadizzle of a friend he had in high school. Once Itch Phillips came up to Kadizzle and said " Can you lend me ten dollars, I am a little financially embarrassed?" If Trump is forced to show his taxes he will be financially embarrassed. His lying will be on the record. However, that does not matter, the Hooples have very short memories. When The Donald ran for president The Donald said he would reveal his taxes. That was many years ago and The Donald still has not disclosed his taxes. 

The Tea Party gang does not pay attention so here is a little history lesson. Your hero promised working people tax breaks. Well he did provide some, but the tax breaks for the poor have an expiration date soon to be reached. On the other hand The Donald gave the rich 800 billion in tax breaks, that do not expire. The Donald knows how to rig the game. Go to a carnival and play the rigged games. The carnival barker will fill you head with foam from the mouth and you will try to win at a rigged game. If you cannot make it to the carnival go to your local Tea Party and listen to their carnival barker. Kari Lake, Eli Crane, or Blake Masters will suck you into a rigged game. You know the game is rigged because the outcome is certain. Kari Lake told you if she does not win the election was a fraud. Kari wins, win or lose. That is what Trump taught the Hooples, you will win no matter what. Wow, the logic of a Hooplehead. 

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