Friday, November 04, 2022


Snow has fallen. Kadizzle is up early, very early. The sky is clear, and the snow has created. a unique visual effect out the huge bedroom window. Although the sky is clear the town down below is enveloped in fog. So there is no town, but a neat glowing fog. 

Kadizzle took a sleep monitor to bed last night. Strange to sleep with that contraption. The device has a woman's voice that told Kadizzle to reposition the device in the middle of the night. Kadizzle does a lot of sleeping, but does not feel as refreshed as expected. 

Well mental illness is rampant. You can read the crazy comment of a person with some kind of sexual problem in the comments from yesterday. It is scary to know people so delusional are out on the street free to hit people with a hammer. You can gauge the level of mental illness by standing on the street with a " Jail Trump " sign. Just looking into the eyes of the people driving by giving you the middle finger lets you know they are out there. The anger of the cult people is frightening. The Jim Jones Kool aid disaster was a demonstration to normal people how toxic a cult can be. Jim Jones told people to commit suicide and they did. The Japanese had Kamikaze pilots that killed themselves for the cult leader. Trump has cult members that will lie and spread lies for him. Sadly many of the people elected to congress are cult members. 

Nowhere is the cult thicker than Arizona. Read the comment of the deranged guy or gal Brass Pass. Clearly the person has mental problems. Mix that mental illness with the Trump Cult and what do you have? Now think about armed cult members. Kadizzle has encountered them in the grocery store and some of the hornets at the Republican strongholds have confronted Kadizzle and Emil with guns strapped to their sides. Sheer mental illness. 

Too many people live secluded lives where they cannot gauge the level of insanity in our country. We are in an era like the time before the Nazis came to power. The normal people in Germany never thought their neighbors would go nuts and gas people, but they did. Normal people thought the population of deranged was smaller than it actually was. When crazy people reach a critical mass you have lynchings, dictatorships, and the breakdown of society. Think about the invasion of the Capitol on January 6th. What did the cult want to do? Correct, the cult wanted to "lynch" Mike Pence. Think about the mind of a cult member. The Donald encourages the cult to lynch his own vice president, and they see it as normal. That is the classic sign of mental illness, a person who perceives an insane situation as reality. 

If the patients in the asylum actually place other patients in government like Kari Lake, Blake Masters, and the other dingers we are in for a mess like never before. This is the time for sane people to act. 

One thing that sells like nothing else to the cult is fear. Yesterday Kadizzle had a conversation with a person concerned about immigrants invading their home. The concept is absurd for a variety of reasons, but one simple reason is math. The crime rate by immigrants is a fraction of the crime rate of the people already living here. This simply means you would be safer in a crowd of 100 immigrants picked at random, than you would in a crowd of 100 Americans picked at random. The cult political ads are succeeding. According to the cult immigrants are raping, selling drugs, and doing other nefarious things at an astounding rate. Like sponges the Hoopleheads suck up the lies of Trump and the right wing political ads. 

Now for a little good news. Emil Kashuntz loves to protest. Emil has moved to Phoenix for the winter. Of course Emil cannot resist pointing out the lies and deceit of Trump on the street corner. The good news is the Hooplehead population is a much smaller fraction of the metropolitan area than back here in the heart of gun land. Emil says the positive response by the population there is in the majority. This gives hope educated informed people can overcome the delusional cult vote. Keep in mind the iceberg. You don't know what is under the surface. Hopefully normal people will prevail. That is what happened when the cult was dealt a death blow by Biden when he won in Arizona. The cult just could not accept that reality and is still wobbling from that defeat to this day.  

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