Wednesday, November 02, 2022

Jesus on drugs

Down at the Jesus thrift store Kadizzle went round in circles with the new Jesus that took the old Jesus place. The new guy behind the counter follows Q anon. They are the craziest of the crazy. The Jesus thrift store is part of a rehabilitation program for drug addicts and other extremely confused people. 

Kadizzle and Jesus got into a discussion about the recent attack on Nancy Polosi's husband. The Republicans have manufactured lies about the incident at an alarming rate. Of course Trump had to cook up some lies. The FBI has debunked the lies, but that never matters. Jesus believed the claim that it was Paul Polosi's male lover or prostitute that attacked him. Jesus claimed there were pictures of them both in their underwear. Somehow every Republican lie has a sex element to it. If you can throw in some homosexual stuff you get extra credit. Pulling facts from thin air is a specialty of the right wing. What takes the cake is Fox News will go to some unreliable source and then use it to authenticate a fabrication. 

At the sit down with a confused individual last night at the Tea Party Kadizzle asked the guy who won the election. Of course he said Trump did. Kadizzle asked about all the audits in Arizona that said Trump lost. The Trumpster said "You have your auditors, and we have ours. ".  Yes, there are two versions of the truth pick the one you like, that is the Republican Party. The strangest thing happened in the Arizona. Some Republicans won. Somehow the Democrats only cheated in certain races. The dog ate my homework. 

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