Monday, November 14, 2022

The Election confirms It.

What if half the people you meet were idiots? Sadly that is not a what if, the election proves it is true. Only and idiot would vote for Kari Lake or that Finchem goof. Look at Finchem, he took part in the Capitol invasion, and well over 40% of the dolts voted for him. With redistricting the Hoopleheads got Eli Crane into office. Arizona is only inches away from Hitler. Intelligence won by a frighteningly slim margin. 

The rich thrive on dolts. Wealthy people want tax breaks more than air, and they know a population of peasants can give them the life they crave. Have we progressed from a feudal society? No, it has just been fine tuned. In the old days the Church was the major source of crazy ideas, now the Republican Party has teamed with the Church to spread bizzare ideas. 

As mentioned so many times our education system has plunged. Kadizzled has been saddened so many times by meeting someone homeschooling their children. They might as well give them a lobotomy. On the other side of the coin the wealthy send their kids to the very best schools. What is the result? The result is the rich have the mental tools to exploit the poor, and they do.

Illusion is the tool of magicians, and crooks. There is no shortage of food, clean air, or decent housing. Our social problems are distribution problems. The rich create the illusion that they are benefactors entitled to way more than they deserve. What is the result? Poverty. 400 families have half the wealth in this country, but Frank and Jeff B. thing it is immigrants, and welfare cheats that cause want. Someone created that illusion. Could it be Fox News, Donald Trump, Karil Lake, and Ted Cruz? 

Fooling dolts goes back to ancient times. Remember when you could buy a piece of the cross? Now, you can buy  a Maga hat.  This is 2022 and people put a sticker on their car or a hat on their head to let you know they don't have a clue. 

Kadizzle was walking down the street in New Zealand and there was an American wearing a MAGA hat. Kadizzle told the old goat what an embarrassment he was. 

One thing that used to be taught by parents was for children to keep their mouth shut so others would not know how dumb they were. All that has changed. Now you can advertise your ignorance with pride. Fly a flag on the pole in your yard proclaiming Trump is King. The entire neighborhood will know you are mentally challenged. 

As others have said we are living on the edge. If those with functioning brain cells do not prevail, we are toast. Climate is just as bad as elections. The margin is slim for humans to correct the mess we have made. 


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