Wednesday, November 02, 2022

Check Out Candice Owens

Last night at the Tea Party meeting Kadizzle engaged a dinger in conversation. The dinger suggested Kadizzle check out Candice Owens. The name barely rang a bell. So Kadizzle did check out Candice. Low and behold she is a right wing spreader of conspiracy and lies. 

Now one thing is worth gold in the Republican Party, and that is a black person high on right wing lies. Nothing is better in Republican circles than a captured black person that loves Trump.  

Herschel Walker is a classic case. You just cannot get any stupider or more insane than Herschel, but he is black and he loves Trump, that is all that matters. If you have ten black guys that love Trump that means the entire Republican Party has no racist or white supremacist. Well, it is a little confusing when the Proud  Boys and the Nazis attack the Capitol for Trump, but reality doesn't matter when you are selling Trump hats. 

Sad to hear Frank, and Jeff B. are sick. One thing for sure they don't have covid. How does Kadizzle know? Well Covid is just all made up by Biden and the Chinese. China has become a real problem. Republicans are on a tear to blame as much as they can on China. Remember the good old days when a good Republican would not buy anything from Japan. Well Hoopleheads just try that with China. China made  you Trump hat, now what are you going to do? China makes the American flags the dingers put on their four wheelers. Go to a dingers house and throw out all the China stuff and you will have a dinger left sitting on a bucket. 

One thing is certain, the Hooples are clueless when it comes to economics. The whole concept of an educated economist that could inform them how the world economy functions is foreign to the Hooples. None of the commentators on Fox News have journalism degrees. The Hoopleheads don't like people who actually study what they do for a living. No, instead the Hoopleheads like the old fashioned knowledge you get from watching Fox News. As said so many times " education just confuses people". That is why Jesus down at the thrift store said he would never send his little girl to a real school. Instead home school your kid or send them to a religious school so they don't get confused with facts. Republicans know the danger of educated people that is why destroying public education is so important. At the Tea Party pow wow last night the speaker had to use a lot of the magic phrases. One was Critical Race Theory. No one knows for sure what it is, but for sure it is bad. Now a new one the Hoopleheads have dreamed up. Groomers, what in the hell are groomers. You will love this one. Groomers are teachers that influence school children to be homosexuals or liberals. Yep, now we got to watch for them groomers at school. Of course that is why you have to home school your kids. You don't want the " Groomers" to get hold of them. Far better to have grandma teach Johnny science than some groomer that has a PHD in science. 

Dingers beget dingers. Stupid people raise stupid children, and we need as many as we can get to help Trump become king. 

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