Saturday, September 03, 2022

Where are the bums?

What did they do with the bums? Every time Kadizzle comes to Denver he takes a long bike ride along the river to the main part of Denver. Today he was amazed at the lack of bums, and bum encampments. Where did they go? Denver must have made a bum refuge somewhere. Areas that had bum wagons were free of them. The bums under the trees by the river were gone. Did they spray with bumaway? Now one think Kadizzle did notice was under the bridges they have put very sharp nasty rocks. That would help. When Kadizzle finally peddled into the downtown area there was a light smattering of bums. But when you try to get rid of any pest you will always miss some. All things considered Denver is a cleaner city than most. 

Daughter lives in an area very utopia like. For hundreds of blocks everything is neat, clean, and well kept. You will not find many places in the world like this. Every lawn is well landscaped, all the houses are kept up, and every business is neat and tidy. It is what the world could be like if we did not have Republicans. 

Now that brings up the fun part of the day. Kadizzle got to be evil. At REI Kadizzle was looking among the returned and used crap for a bargain. There were none, so Kadizzle decided to give his social security speech to the lonely guy running the department hidden away on the top floor. A Trumper overheard the conversation and had to butt in. The Trumper said talk like Kadizzle was having with the employee was one reason he almost quit shopping at REI.  Well the guy started it so Kadizzle intoned that Trump should be jailed. This led to a little heated back and forth and Kadizzle got to fire a few verbal rounds at the Trump dinger. Shortly afterward when Kadizzle checked out with his purchase the clerk asked " How was your experience".  Kadizzle related the encounter with the Trumpite. The clerk was an older gentleman that totally agreed with the crises our country faces because of Trump. Most store clerks are not allowed to talk  politics, but the old guy felt safe.  Kadizzle loves to speak to loud when he knows a Trumper might overhear some zingers. In the world of armed idiots it may be his demise. 


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