Saturday, September 17, 2022

Down on the protest line

 Emil wants to start the protest at 8 A.M. today. Kadizzle thinks the tide is turning. Yesterday there were not so many grumps, and middle fingers. Encouraging to see young people giving support. Three new volunteers have showed up. Usually when someone parks nearby and gets out of the car they are a Republican grump, but lately it has been people who  want to support the cause of jailing Trump. Emil added a sign that says " Support the FBI".   Of course the FBI is a well known liberal plot. 

Now for a short story on an old friend who was an FBI agent. He once told me during the sixties with good old J. Edgar Hoover he was sent out in Washington D.C. to disrupt Vietnam War protestors. He would let his hair grow long and dress to be among the leftist crowds. Then he would give out false information about where the protest was to be. Now imagine how much the FBI must have changed if they are now on the side of the righteous. 

Old Kadizzle decided to try his new Italian expensive ebike out up in the mountains. The bike was performing well and delightful, then it happened. Kadizzle stopped to chat with an older woman that was hiking. It was in a sunny place. The sun warmed the front tire of the bike and there was an explosion. The entire tire blew off the rim, just as it had in the garage several days earlier. Kadizzle thought the garage incident was some freak happening, but it was not. The bike came with tubes in the tires. Kadizzle wanted tubeless tires, so he took the bike to a shop and they set it up that way. Apparently Kadizzle and the bike shop people were unaware you cannot make certian tires tubeless. That was the cause of the tire blowing off the rim. Now, if that tire had exploded while Kadizzle was riding that bike on a rocky trail with steep drop off things would be different today. Kadizzle would be dead or seriously hurt. You would be getting this message from a hospital bed. Although Kadizzle had on a helmet, surely bones would have been broken. Republican Jesus must have been watching over democratic Kadizzle. 

Nice talking with Honest Omar yesterday. Omar is the Ashiest Pope. Omar often sends Kadizzle the copies of the FFR newspaper. What is the FFR.  Some people have had enough of the silliness and formed and organization called Freedom From Religion. Kadizzle shared the FFR paper with a friend because it had an excellent article about how religion is child abuse. Martini liked the article so much he subscribed to the magazine. Keep in mind the religious people are destroying the public schools with the help of the Republicans. What a team the religious and the Republicans.  So strange to find out Jesus supports Trump and his theft of classified documents.  Of course according to the Jehovah's under the tree at the park good Christians are supposed to stay out of politics. Nope, they helped elect the worst president in history. 

The Jehovah's don't vote. Kadizzle has been lecturing them that they need to support freedom and vote Satan's gang out. If Trump gets elected he will pick one religion he likes and the turn on the rest. That is something Trump learned from Hitler. Wake up Jehovah gang. The Jehovah's tell Kadizzle, Putin has turned on them in Russia, but those silly dingers cannot see the lesson. So they just sit under the tree waiting for God to mow the lawn, and cook breakfast.

Kadizzle heard a new buzz word at the Tea Party meeting. The conservatives are determined to turn the school system into a propaganda machine. The new buzz is Social Emotional Learning. Apparently teaching children to be nice to each other and themselves is prohibited. How can you promote the hate Republicans thrive on if we teach children to be nice to black people, gay people, and anyone who is not white and rich? We all know now teaching truthful history is not good. So the next big step is to make sure students know being nice to each other is dangerous. Republicans have turned normalcy upside down. Now Jesus carries a gun, and would not hesitate to fire it at a socialist. Well if it gets you votes and protects the rich from taxes can it be all bad?

Report from the casino. Fifty years later that statistics class is paying off. Kadizzle has won ten times in a row on the slot machines. Don't get Kadizzle wrong he is against casino gambling. It is primarily a way to bilk seniors out of their life savings. However, Kadizzle figured out a system that works. That cannot be. The local Indians seeking revenge on the white man have a casino as all good Native Americans do. Almost all day the Indians clean the pockets of the old white goats for free. To intice the Hoopleheads the warriors give the rubes $20 of free gambling on Tuesdays.  You know the routine give a free sample of cocaine to get them started. Back to the system. The casino will give you twenty dollars worth of slot machine pulls if you first put $20 of your own money in the machine. Put in your twenty and you get 80 twenty five cent pulls. According to the statistics that should enable the casino to steal ten percent of your money. The slot machine will tell you when you have spent enought to earn your free 20.  Now if you happen to get your free 20 before all of your 20 is gone cash out. For example let's say you still have 18 dollars left when you hit the magic number where the casino will kick in their 20.  Put your 18 dollars in your pocket. The slot machines are programmed to pay back 90%.  So now you are playing on the casino's $20.  Every time you win with the casino money cash out. You may win $1.25 or fifty cents, but you must cash out each time.  You might hit for ten dollars or even more. Cash out is the key. The most important part of the entire scheme is the walk away. When the casino money is gone you must get up and walk away. Lets analyze the statistics. You gambled a total of $40 dollars. The slot machine is programmed to give you $36 dollars back. So if the slot machine is in good order you have $36 dollars in  your pocket when you leave, $20 was yours to begin with, but $16 was from the warriors. Come back next Tuesday and get another $16.  Now if you and your wife each get $16 that buys you dinner. Of course you need to remember this will be an average over time. The least Kadizzle has walked away with over the 10 tries is $8. The most is $48.  The trick is over time the average will tend toward $16. Please don't tell anyone or the casino will put a stop to this. Kadizzle has figured out a twist to this which pays a higher wage to the gambler. Cannot disclose it here of the warriors will burn the wagon train. Caution, you must not stay for one minute and put another cent into the pit of destruction. Practice getting up and leaving. The casino is relying on your human nature to put the profit back in the machine. It is the old have another drink routine. Kadizzle checked this method with a PHD mathematician. He verified it.  

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