Friday, September 09, 2022

Call the police

Emil Kashuntz continually says he enjoys holding the jail Trump sign down by the highway. Kadizzle worries about Emil so he also holds a sign to make sure no one assaults Emil, but still evil Republicans have spit on Emil, and yesterday for the second time they threw something at him. Something hit his face and whatever hit his hand left a scrape and a bruise. 

The good people who give the thumbs up instead of the finger were in the majority yesterday. The tide may be turning. Trump's theft of the classified documents has made a lot of the dolts think. 

One good part about the protesting are the people who actually stop and talk. Kadizzle had a nice woman stop and we had a great discussion about the Hoopleheads for a good 45 minutes. Then on the other side of the highway where the nest of Republican dolts is Emil had a couple encounters. When two dolts were talking to Emil, Kadizzle was a bit concerned and went over to make sure Emil was OK.  Kadizzle took over the discussion with the Hooplehead, and the other dolt left. No real problem, but as usual the Republicans called the police and made another false report. False police reports have become the bread and butter of the local Republicans. John was the man Kadizzle was talking to. We disagreed but did so in a friendly amicable manner. We make it a point to be civil with the Hoopleheads. However, just the fact that three people were talking alarmed the people in the nest ( the Republican headquarters are nearby).  So all of a sudden three police cars show up. The Payson Police are very professional and nice people. The Police seem to understand the Republicans have loose bolts.  Kadizzle explained to the police John and Kadizzle were just having a discussion and there was no problem. No matter how much the Republicans wished there was a problem John also assured the police it was a friendly conversation. Emil mentioned to the Police about the people in the pickup truck that threw stuff at him. 

Abusing law enforcement has become a favorite of the local Republicans. They have made at least four false Reports. They claimed Kadizzle was yelling obscenities at them when he was actually sixty miles away in Cottonwood. Keep in mind these are the Republicans that say law enforcement is abusing Trump. 

Now for the zinger. Kadizzle was holding his sign which reads " Jail Trump, free the Truth".   The traffic light caused a red pickup truck to stop right in front of Kadizzle. The people in the truck were eating ice cream. Kadizzle started a conversation with the people in the truck and mentioned how good the ice cream looked.  As a joke Kadizzle said to the woman driving "Next time you come by bring me some".  To Kadizzle's amazement she reached down and grabbed a hot fudge sundae and handed it to him. There are a lot of good people, and it is very sad the Republicans abuse the stupid people. 


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