Thursday, September 22, 2022

Ebike on the road again

 After some frustration putting new tires on the ebike it is on the road again. Mrs. Kadizzle had the pleasure of making a fool of Kadizzle during the project. The ebike is a bit unusual. The front tire is bigger than the back tire. Kadizzle struggled to put the smaller back tire on the front until Mrs. Kadizzle suggested he might have the wrong tire. That is the price of getting old you get simple minded just like a Hooplehead. The New York Times has a good article today about mid life crisis. 

As Kadizzle read the New York Times today he kept wondering what do the Hoopleheads read? The Hoopleheads must be very careful to keep themselves in the dark about the world around them. Yesterday the bombshell news was another round of charges against Trump. Fake news, fake news. Of course according to the Hooples and Trump it is just another witch hunt. The witches do a lot of hunting and they sure like Trump meat. Never has there been such a crooked, con man like Trump. The more he lies, the more they like him.  Trump being a crook is one thing, but his kids are grifters too. Look at the number of Trump's own people who turned on him. When Trump told his cult to turn on Mike Pence you would have thought the Hoopleheads would have figured it out. Nope, Trump is bulletproof when it comes to lying. The witch hunt thing works every time. Imagine if you were in Trouble and just said witch hunt. Try it the next time you get pulled over for speeding.  Just tell the officer it is a witch hunt. 

Now this is the strange part. The local Hoopleheads sent the police to my house on a witch hunt. How can you tell it was a real witch hunt? You know the story. Kadizzle was in Cottonwood sixty miles away when the Republican Hoopleheads called the police and said he was yelling F.. You at their display of Trump support in front of their nest in Payson. Now that is a witch hunt. 

Apparently the FBI has been taken over by witches. Who would have guessed how many federal prosecutors are witches. The Hoopleheads can smell a witch right at the front door of their Tea Party meeting. No witches are getting in. Well most of the time. If a witch does get in they will be thrown out. 

Got off the subject. What do the Hoopleheads read? There is an art to staying stupid.   You have to avoid a lot of things that might make you smarter.  A good Hooplehead knows not to watch ABC, NBC, or CNN.  There is something about The C,s that is dangerous. Fox News is fine. Of course a Hooplehead cannot watch PBS, Frontline, or any show that deals with facts. Trump had to create his own media outlet to supply the Hopples with lies. Every evening the Kadizzles watch real news. Some nights it is NBC, and then PBS Newshour, and then other nights we watch ABC, or NBC.  A Hooplehead would realize we watch nothing but fake news. Kadizzle always like the scene in the Wizard of Oz where they poured water on the witch. Remember the witch melted. As a kid that was neat. Well if you poured the truth on a Tea Party Hooplehead they would melt.  If a Hooplehead read a quality newspaper for a week they might be cured, but they know better. 

Often Kadizzle engages a Hoople in conversation. It doesn't take long to hear the right wing talking points. You can tell they are all listening to the same music. It used to be the Hooples could be spotted with the Rush Limbaugh on the radio. If you go to the doctor or dentist and Fox News is on the TV you know it is to appease the Hooples. A good American will go to the receptionist and demand they put real news on. 

Kadizzle is an old pheasant hunter.  A key to hunting pheasants is knowing where they are.  What about the simple minded, where will you find them. Kadizzle would bet if you wanted to find a bunch of simple minded you could always go to the casino. It is amazing, the simple minded are there day and night pouring social security checks into the slot vacuums. What a pleasure to have your pockets slowly cleaned. If the Indians had surrounded the wagon trains with slot machines it would have been easy to rob the settlers. 

The classic robbery of the simple is Mr. Pillow. The ex crack addict sells the Hoopleheads pillows, and helps Trump lie to the 71 million idiots in the country. Of course who could be a better partner in lying for Trump than Mike Lindel, Mr. Pillow.  It even gets better. When the people with the Trump mentality listen to right wing radio what do they sell them.  Right wing radio specializes in vitamin scams, erection pills, gold scams, and identity theft. Does it get any better? You lure in idiots with right wing Trump lies, and then you bilk them with scams. Now, do you believe the United States is 28 in education, and China is number one?

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