Monday, September 19, 2022

At the soiree

Last night at the soiree by the lake the bad news was announced that three of the towns pet elk have died. Two were hit by cars. No one knew if any of the elk were Ben or Jerry the huge beast that roam the town. A couple weeks ago one of the huge elk licked Emil on the face. 

Payson like every town is plagued by simple dingers that drive like idiots.  Any dinger that hit an elk would get their comeuppance. An elk would just about destroy a car. 

Kadizzle missed the Sunday protest. Purple shoes has joined us, so now we have a total of about five. Emil reported the usual nasty people. The consensus is the tide is turning. On the other hand if they don't jail Trump and he is around for the election may god help us. That mini Trump jerk in Florida is making a good try to be as much of a bunghole as Trump.  The country is in deep trouble. 

At the soiree someone mentioned an older famous basketball player has moved in close to us. Kadizzle ignores sports so the name did not ring a bell. Sports fans are fine, but they have a tendency to get in a daze and ignore the world falling apart. 

Kadizzle has managed to make the ebike functional until the new tires come. He has to remind himself the tire can blow off. That means speed must be kept to a minimum. 

Since the Kadizzles have adopted a southern life the seasons are very confusing. It always seems like summer. However, up here in the mountains there is a hint of fall. The morning was cool and the days are getting shorter. We will be living a strange life where we can drop down three thousand feet and be warmer just by driving twenty miles. 

Dog insanity has a grip on Payson, perhaps everywhere. People walk their dogs around the lakes at the bottom of the hill constantly. Kadizzle does not mind a doggly dog, but those little rat dogs drive him nuts, and they are plentiful here. A couple old ladies come by in the evening with a dog adorned with flashing lights. It looks like a circus coming. As we sit at the soiree the dog people come by and each dog wants attention. 

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