Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Wendy gets another blast from the Payson Roundup

 Wendy Rodgers and her gang of dolts took another blast from the Payson Roundup. Wendy has a bizarre scheme she promoted at the Tea Party meeting. In opposition to voter fraud she wants to commit voter fraud and told the local dingers how to do it. Her scheme will not work as the newspaper points out. Wendy is clearly mentally ill, but that is what the Trumpers love. Nothing beats a good psychopath like Trump or a deranged state senator like Wendy. 

Kadizzle may go to the Tea Party meeting tonight just for the fun. Of course they will have to cook up some spinners to deal with the newspaper. One thing that may be an issue is who recorded Wendy ranting her voting scheme at the last meeting. Kadizzle has a suspect in mind. Will they let him in? The poor dingers are so simple minded they are easy to mislead. Trump has shown that over and over. If you were selling any scam you would want a list of who goes to the Tea Party meetings. 

Reading the New York Times one sees the spread of ignorance is a world wide problem. Now Sweden is cultivating dingers. 

Saw an excellent bumper sticker yesterday. IF YOU THINK EDUCATION IS EXPENSIVE, TRY IGNORANCE. We are paying a dear price for ignorance. The Hoopleheads are destroying the planet, freedom, and quality of life. Hoopleheads want their own schools to prodcuce more stupid people and of course the Republicans want to give vouchers to go to stupid school. If that is not bad enough the number two gang promoting stupidity is religion. The religious want to turn fantasy into science. 

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