Saturday, September 10, 2022

The East Egg Hunt

Once you quit moving, soon you die. Kadizzle gets most of his exercise on the ebike. Now the new ebike. The new bike is wonderful Italian engineering and is a piece of art. Kadizzle has developed a new bike routine. As he rides along the edges of the golf course he finds golf balls. Modern golf balls now come in bright colors and they look like small Easter Eggs. The pickings yesterday looked pretty slim, but the day ended with 12 Easter eggs in the basket. Most days you can count on three. Kadizzle found a few new places the the meteors fall. One was in the middle of the street, and another was right there in someone's front yard. 

We are frying. Read the article in the NYT today about the heat from global warming in China. Humans are bound to destroy themselves. If we don't cook ourselves with nuclear war, climate change will do the job. Humans normalize disaster. The pollution that has engulfed our cities is now just accepted as part of life. Gun crazies shooting up schools, and public places is just part of life. Crooked Republicans are expected. 

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