Sunday, September 11, 2022

Looks like a nice day

Life at our new home has been surprising in many ways. Although we are in Arizona which everyone thinks of as a furnace in the summer, that is not entirely the case.  Many people much farther north are having much hotter weather.  The mountains we live in do their job. The summer has not been that bad. Very few days have been unbearable and most days are pleasant. 

Yesterday some new friends stopped by and we talked politics for over an hour. Things seem to be shifting. It seems like the Ukraine, maybe the Russians are on the run, or in our case the Republicans. Even the simplest Hooplehead must wonder why Trump would hoard classified documents. Trump and Hitler will compete for the best con men in history. 

One thing that happens during our protest on highway 87 is a Hooplehead will stop to talk. The conversation is a good thing where both sides exchange ideas.  Every Hooplehead ask " What has Trump ever done wrong?".   Well Kadizzle printed out two versions of the answer. One version is the top ten crimes he committed, and the other version list 100 of his cons.  So we are prepared for the next Hooplehead to ask the question. 

Hoopleheads think they are informed, but Kadizzle has answered many times when they ask  what Trump did wrong with an explanation of how he cheated college students with his fake university. Your typical Hooplehead says they never heard about it. One Hooplehead responded when Kadizzle told him about that fraud " Well at least he gave the money back". Yes, when the court ordered him to. Hoopleheads are very careful to listen only to right wing radio and of course Tucker and the gang don't mention anything bad about the cult leader.  

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