Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Emil confronts the Tea Party.

 Emil Kashuntz was out there tonight holding up his sign " Tea Party Hypocrites". The Hoopleheads got to see the sign as they drove into the nest. Only those who agree with the right wing agenda are allowed in. That is the point of the sign. The Tea Party claims they are for free speech, but all that stops if your speech disagrees with theirs. 

No doubt the Tea Party rumor will be that it was Kadizzle with the sign. Now look closely Tea Party Hooples. Emil is about sixty pounds less than Kadizzle. It was not me. 

Some good news about the Arizona polling numbers. The dingers are not doing well. Blake Masters is behind. It seems reality is sinking in and the Republicans with any sense of morality or logic are awakening to the insanity of the right wing liars. However, always remember there were 71 million delusional Cult members that voted for Trump. If the decent people do not turn out God help us. 

A side note. Out protesting the other day with Kashuntz, Kadizzle noticed all the black truck drivers driving through were on our side. No black person in their right mind would support Trump, nor would any minority. Seeing the token blacks in the Republican party is amusing. If black people and minorities would realize they have the power to rid us of the Republican menace the country could return to normal. Is there a person so stupid they cannot see the Republicans court the racist. Look at the videos of the attack on the Capitol by Trump. It was the rebel flag flying that told the story. Then just watch a Hoople wagon go by, it will be flying a Trump flag and a confederate flag. 

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