Wednesday, February 03, 2016

What is an RUS?

For many years the Kadizzle klan had a custom at Christmas.  With the two little bumpkins we would sit and watch the same movie The Princess Bride.  At one point in the movie the characters encountered the RUS's.  They were Rats of Unusual Size.   This brings us to today's story.  Kadizzle is sitting here reading Dark Money.  The book chronicles how the RUS have purchased our country and are running it for their own benefit.  The largest and most dangerous rats are the Koch brothers. The fortune of the Koch brothers started when their father helped Hitler, and Stalin produce the fuel they needed to wreck havoc on the world. Now, the same family is creating economic disaster for the United States with their unmitigated greed.  Kadizzle has read many articles about these ruthless scoundrels, but to see the details of how they operate is shocking.  As you read you keep saying how can people be ignorant of what these guys do?  How can people not see what has happened?  Our country is being destroyed by the richest one percent, and people are deluded into believing it is the poorest 20% that are doing it.  The facts are clear, the evidence is clear, but people will believe what is easy, and what they want to believe.  When a book cites times, places, names, and factual material, how can you be in denial?  Yet, it does not matter, people soak up the Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, drivel based on a cloud of nothing and love it.  The whole thing is just like religion.  There is not an ounce of reality in it, but it is comforting and easy to believe, so you believe it.  Churches rip people off by selling a popular fantasy, this is the history of the human race.  Both churches and the Republican party succeed by selling fear, fear of hell, fear of black people, fear of gays, fear that someone is going to get your gun.  It works, you cannot sell someone on exercise, that takes work, but being afraid is easy.  All you have to do is believe some silly story and get yourself worked into a frenzy.  The poor have always been poor because they have been prone to buy a story.  The story they buy is sold to them by someone who wants to manipulate them.  Who could that be?  The trick is to get people to focus on the wrong thing. That is how magicians work.  You look at his right hand while his left hand fools you. That is how Republicans work.  You focus on the poor as the problem, and you do not notice it is the rich who are robbing you.   The 20% of the poorest people in the country only use  2% of what the country produces.  The one percent at the top now get 35% of all the income.   So the facts are clear who is robbing you?  Is it the fat guy eating all the pizza, or the skinny guy?  How do you get people to ignore the obvious?  You make up an elaborate story.  The military budget is what is bleeding our country dry, but no one wants to believe that, instead lets blame it on the welfare cheats.  The real welfare cheats are the people who inherit millions never work in their life and refuse to pay taxes, but wait a minute, they are our heroes.  When you examine them closely you find they are just sophisticated thieves.   Who bribes our congressmen? Do you think it is poor people? Who has tax loopholes passed? Do you think it is poor people?  The insanity of blaming the poor is just that insane.  So let's just watch Fox News and pretend like climate change is not happening, lets pretend like the billionaire and the working man have both the same chance of talking to a senator.  Let's pretend like some poor black person sitting on their doorstep is the problem.  Why take the time to figure out what is going on whey Rush Limbaugh is so willing to do it for you?  Why read something in depth when you can go to the coffee shop and learn nuclear physics?  As a country we have become fat, lazy, ignorant, and easily deluded.  History says this never ends well.

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