Tuesday, February 09, 2016

Dare to be stupid part two.

Armored to the hilt Kadizzle decided to play a round of dare to be stupid.  On the Yamaha 250 Kadizzle shot up the canyon and onto the ridge with a plan to make it to the top of the mountain.  This was not a trip that should have been attempted by one person.  If and when the fail came who would help.  However, common sense was in short supply.  Kadizzle managed to get up the extremely steep rocky grade with just one minor mishap. The view from the top was astounding, but to get to the very top Kadizzle had to hike about half a mile in motorcycle boots that needless to say are not designed for hiking.

One soon discovers in the motorcycle game of dare to be stupid that going down a steep grade is every bit as difficult as going up.  As Kadizzle slide and rolled back down the mountain he came across a 68 year old man with a 40 pound pack on his back. Frank had been hiking alone on the Arizona trail for weeks.  Unless you have been in this portion of the world you would have a hard time imagining how rugged the country is.  Last night we got Frank settled in a civilized campground and he took his first hot shower in a long time. We drove Frank to the small convenience store slash bar and had dinner.  Thursday Kadizzle will haul Frank back to the trail after a few days of rest.

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