Wednesday, February 03, 2016

Fast Food for the Brain

Fast food for the brain is great.  You zip into Fox News you get a simple quick explanation that satisfies your hungry mind.  Rush gives you a quick analysis of a complicated situation and you eat it up.  What is the difference between fast food for the brain and gourmet food for the brain? Good food for the brain takes time to prepare.  You have to read, you have to think, you have to do some analysis.  Good food for the brain you prepare yourself.  On the otherhand fast food for the brain is prepared quickly by someone else who just wants to sell you something and profit from it.  As a society our brains are growing fat and lazy on the snacks of stupidity delivered by a media that feeds on the easy picking.  Donald Trump calls someone ugly and it makes headlines, meanwhile the real news is swept under the rug.  There are no nutrients in fast food for the brain, only empty calories.  Sports is a classic case of fast food for the brain.  You can watch football all day and at the end of the day the only new skill you will have is the mastery of the remote control.  Why bother with evolution when you can cook up some creationism in ten minutes?  Why read a carefully crafted article when you can learn all you need from a right wing talk show on the way to work?  Why lets facts confuse you when you can follow the simple Republican mantra “ Education just confuses people?”  Take it easy and follow the advice from Seinfeld “ If you believe it, it is true”.  

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