Saturday, February 06, 2016

The Armored Idiot

The new clutch lever Kadizzle broke the other day came in the mail today, so Kadizzle installed it and off he went for a motorcycle ride.  Along with the lever Kadizzle had all his new armor.  A new protective jacket, new protective gloves, and some borrowed real motorcycle boots made up the new suit.

Into the beautiful wilderness.  Now when crash time came it would be much more pleasant.  The other day Kadizzle had done some exploration on the same road.  He made it to the highest point, but today the plan was to make it down the unknown back side.  A year ago Kadizzle had attempted to come up from Lake Apache to Lake Roosevelt on the same road.  Len and Kadizzle quickly encountered a road so steep and rocky they had to turn back.  Today Kadizzle came down that mess. Now here is where the idiot comes in. When you go down a road you know nothing about you quickly realize you may not be able to come back up, which indeed was the case today.  So after Kadizzle committed himself to a no return route he could only hope for the best.  It was steep.  When something is so steep and you can hardly make it down, you can be assured you will never get up.  One solution to this problem is to go with someone.  This is where the idiot emerges. Kadizzle could see himself getting into a little valley on the way down.  At the bottom he would not be able to up either way.  What do you do?  Call for help is the only solution.  Now, we are really talking about the middle of nowhere here.

By God's grace Kadizzle made it down without a scratch.  There were times when the front and back break could not hold the cycle, it just slid with the brakes locked.  The wheels need to turn to make a motorcycle function. Somehow Kadizzle figured out that using only the front brake was the solution.  The whole trip was a learning experience, and overall a pleasant trip.  It is a one way only trip.  If Kadizzle goes someday with an experience person and that person shows Kadizzle you can make it the other way he may try it. The last time Len had that notion and quickly proved it impossible.

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