Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Kadizzles land in Belize

Today we go out to a small island to enjoy the surrounding ocean.  A good night's rest was in order.  The shrimp was the best in a long time and so fresh for a change. The best news is the exchange rate.  Two Belize for one dollar, so everything is half price.  The hummiditity as my old hill billy friend called it.  It aint the heat it is the hummiditity.  Sitting our around the pool last night reminded me of the warm nights in West Virginia.  North Dakota never has warm hot nights, nor are they so hot in Arizona, but the hummaditity here does the trick.

The trash on the road from the airport is a great welcome sign.  It must be illegal to pick up roadside trash.  I appears the whole country is two inches above sea level.  Any rise in the ocean level will get everyone's socks wet, but being able to fish from you hotel window will be great.

Kadizzle is an atheist missionary.  If fundamentalist can roam the world spreading their gospel of fantasy Kadizzle can spread the good word of reality.  So in the airport Kadizzle was trying to convert a Mennonite, who incidentally was a good looking young woman, into a Kadizzlelite.  Well as Jesus would have it a Seventh Day adventist joined in.  The young adventist had a group of gullible kids going on a mission to Belize.  Kadizzle tried to explain how atheist would go about helping people in other countries.  Atheist drink all their rum and make them rich. Low and behold the Seventh Day Adventist knew several people from our little town of Hazen.  My sister met a woman on the plane who is living in Belize. She told the story of how the Catholic priest told the children Americans rip babies from the wombs of pregnant women. No one ever did a better job of missionary work than the Catholics.  Often they fried the people they had a hard time converting.  The destruction of the Catholic Church in South America will leave people in poverty for centuries.  Well off to today;s missionary work.

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