Monday, February 01, 2016

It doesn't hurt to ask.

For years Kadizzle has preached to his children and anyone who will listen the value of asking.  In fact there would be no Kadizzle children if some asking had not gone on.  On this planet it is amazing what you can get by simply asking.  Cannot count the times Kadizzle has asked credit card companies to drop late payment fees, hundreds saved.  The cell phone company today gave Kadizzle 6 GB of data just for asking.  Just about every business will give you 10% off for just asking.  When someone asks " What else can I do for you ?".  Make a reasonable request.  Keep in mind the store doesn't mind doubling the price to you, so why should you be shy about asking them for something.   One key is always start your request by saying, " I have been a good customer of yours for years".   Frequently business can give you something that cost them nothing.  Realistically gigabytes do not cost anything extra for them to provide.  On an airplane you can often get a better seat after the plane has been boarded by simply asking.

Many people consider Kadizzle's propensity to ask a sign of his cheapness, this is probably true, but one should always try to pay back the kindness of others.  If a company treats you well, tell people.  If someone does you a favor try to figure a way you can help them.  In life many times most situations can be mutually beneficial if you just think about it.  Often a rental car company will actually need to get a car somewhere.  If they do they might give you a break if you rent the car and take it there.  Once we go a very good deal on a van.  The company needed the van to be moved from Denver to Dickinson.  We figured out a way to make it work.  Last year we saved $2,000 by asking to be bumped on airlines.  So far this year we saved $1,000 with the bumperoo.  The airline needs the seats, and we don't mind the cash.

Many times it is a simple question like " Is there any other way to do this?".   Most people and their shyness are their own worst enemies.  Think about the art of being cheap for a moment.  If you spend $100,000 per year, and you ask everyone for a ten percent discount that saves you $10,000.   Enough to keep you drunk for a week.  What if half of them refuse? You still saved $5,000.   The Commander has been planning for Kadizzle's demise for years.   Our final decision is that Kadizzle will be cremated.  Discussing our final plans with the funeral director The Commander was asked how she would like the ashes.  Immediately The Commander requested a coffee can for the ashes.  The funeral director said that would be ten dollars.  The Commander asked if he had anything cheaper.  It turned out the funeral director was trying to sell The Commander a steel coffee can, but he did have a plastic Folgers can for $5.  Now think about it.  The Commander saved $5 and the plastic Folgers can will not rust.  So there's five bucks  for the cookies at the memorial which will be held at a cheap motel conference room late at night to save money.

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