Wednesday, February 03, 2016

Can't Sleep

Finding sleep difficult Kadizzle got up at three in the morning.  The problem could be he went to bed at six.  So in the little box we call the Earth module, which sits somewhere in the Sonoran desert Kadizzle has his coffee and stretches the few brain muscles he has.  One of the first things he came across was an excellent letter to the editor by a good Republican friend in the Bismarck Tribune.  She shined some good light on the fraud created by the right wing about Planned Parenthood.  I think my friend has accidentally become a Democrat and does not realize it.  I have been blamed for turning her children into liberals.  However, I like to think " The truth has a liberal bias".

So here Kadizzle sits listening to the hum of the electric heater in a cold desert.  Watering the flowers it was apparent from the bright stars in the sky tomorrow will be a very nice day.  Who ever came up with the idea of having a new day every day was a genius.  Nothing could be better than getting to start all over every day.  If you can wake up with you sins washed away from yesterday what more could you want?

The desert explodes from rain.  Lately there has been plenty of moisture and the desert is going to bloom as fast as it can. The only thing holding it back is the temperature.  Kadizzle briefly got started on the book Dark Money yesterday.  Needless to say the Koch brothers are involved.  Two of the richest men in the world that could work on a thousand good things, but instead chose to destroy our democracy with their crazy right wing greed.  Strange that two people who can have anything in the world need to get drunk on imposing their will on humanity.  Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, and the founder of Facebook all have chosen to do good with their vast fortunes, but the hero of the Republicans only want to destroy the environment, the working class, and the ability of the common man to advance.  How sad.  The old saying " power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely" is so true.   The jets, the wine, the houses, the vacations, and all the trappings of being a billionaire are not enough, these right wing jerks have to control the universe.  They got rich by manipulating, and manipulating is the only pleasure in life they get.  If only they would turn it to good rather than evil.  Well Kadizzle might pick up the book and read the details of how the right wing rich have purchased our government.  It may backfire on them.  It did in the French Revolution, The Chinese revolution, and the Russian revolution.  If Bernie gets elected we can have our own revolution where the common man takes back our country.

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