Wednesday, February 24, 2016


What if your bus driver drove a canoe? Deep in the jungle along the river Kadizzle sits and enjoys the conversations with all the staff.  The fine woman that owns the establishment related a story to Kadizzle about how her girls were transported to school every morning by canoe.  When the jungle resort was being established there was no good road access, but the little girls had to get to school. Mr Green was the bus driver, or should I say paddler.  It is several miles down the river to the town where the little school is.  The path down to the river is muddy and Kadizzle walked it yesterday.

Imagine a trip on a jungle river to school everyday.  As every parent knows when your kids grow up you learn more than what they told you when they were young. As adults the girls have told their mother Mr. Green was not always the kind canoe paddler their mom thought. He yelled at the kids and could be grumpy.  When the girls got to town in their nice little school uniforms there was a problem. They had to walk up from the muddy river bank and there was no way they could do it without an accumulation of mud and muck on their dresses. It was embarrassing to show up for school in this condition, but also character building.

To make matters worse the path from the river went by the back end of some local businesses. So the fruit and vegetable people threw rotten tomatoes at them.  Also a butcher shop backed onto the path so the young girls got to go by dead cow parts.  What a nice start to a day.  All is well that ends well, the girls are doing fine and when someone tell them the old saw " I had to walk to school and it was up hill both ways", they have a retort.  They can say we had to paddle to school and it was up stream both ways.  Today dams have been built on the river, but when they went to school it was a much more exciting trip that no doubt involved some white water.  In today's modern world no child can walk a block to school.

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