Friday, July 28, 2023

You just believe it

It is early, and a guy just showed up to do some touch up painting. Somehow he made a remark about Biden. Quickly it reminded Kadizzle about how the mind works when it does not get fed information. You just believe what the guys at the coffee shop believe. Kadizzle has notices that imitation is what keeps a lot of brains alive. So many people find it so easy just to believe whatever dad believed.  Problem solved. Just do what the people around you are doing. 

Kadizzle remembers a story from long ago. Always on the hunt for a free meal Kadizzle stopped at a small church on the college campus. Word spread that the church would hold a new fangled communion. Soon Kadizzle found himself sitting on the stage of the church with a bunch of other college students cross legged. In the name of Jesus we were going to break bread and drink some Jesus blood, a cheap bottle of wine. The home made big loaf of bread was torn up and passed down the line. Now it came time for the wine.  The cork was pulled from the bottle and the first person who was supposed to just drink from the bottle instead poured wine into their cupped hand and drank it. Then next person did the same thing. This seemed so odd. How would you keep the wine from running all through your fingers. Surely you would spill wine all over yourself.  When the bottle reache about the third or fourth person that person drank directly from the bottle. Kadizzle had been sitting there wondering what the hell to do. It seemed so stupid to pour wine in you hand. Fortunately someone else got smart. OK, what really happened. The person who opened the bottle had broken the cork, and when they poured wine in their hand they were only trying to get the broken cork out of the bottle. 

Well what is the moral of this story. It should be obvious that when you just do what the person next to you does with no understanding why it can lead to trouble. That is the mind of a Hoople. They just imitate the other Hooples. If Willy the Hoople wears a Trump hat I'll get one. If Willy the Trumper has a gun, I'll get one. Do I have clue why I am dressed like an idiot with gun, no, but I am part of the cult and that is all that matters. 

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