Monday, July 03, 2023

Republicans and Donald Trump destroyed the 4th of July

It is no longer America. When 71 million people celebrate and protect a criminal like Donald Trump it does not call for fireworks. No longer does the United States represent equality. The rich have stolen everything, Trump has made hate for women, minorities, and those with a different sexual orientation the new standard. Can we celebrate that women no longer control their reproduction? Can we celebrate a Supreme Court that takes bribes from rich guys? Can we celebrate voter suppression? The American flag no longer represents freedom, now it represents the right to buy a congressman, and a court.  Books are being banned, people are being banned, and the Republicans call this freedom? Jesus has taken over the schools, and lying is the new coin of the Republican realm. People actually watch and believe Fox News. What are we celebrating? The right to be as stupid as the cult will let you?

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