Friday, July 07, 2023

Good Morning America

Here we go, one more day in the life of Kadizzle. First on every day is coffee and the NYT.  Paul Krugman a favorite writes about the insane politics of billionaires, read it. Our cul de sac is now totally occupied. Fortunately we have good neighbors. Directly to our East the home is often rented as an Airb&b. Generally it has worked well. Once strange thing are the city folk. We love the darkness, the city folk are scared at night an leave the outside lights on. Nothing is going to get you here people. 

The darkness here does pose a problem with the elk. Last night driving down main street Kadizzle saw something move. It was very hard to see. It was a very large bull elk. The beast are perfectly camouflaged at night .

The flag waving in Payson is the worst in the world. The American flag is everywhere and most of the time incorrectly displayed. The strange thing is most of the flag wavers want the dictator Trump to rule their little minds. 

Monsoons are supposed to be showing up here, but so far nothing. This means fires are breaking out. Amazing how casual people are about the planet burning. You see the same scenes in Ukraine. People living life as normal while a rocket hits down the street. Humans have become just like the elk, we adapt to insanity very quickly. The elk don't seem to think it is strange to sit under a tree on mainstreet. People are choking from the air in New York, but mostly interested in who won the last ball game. 

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