Tuesday, July 25, 2023


The Kadizzles viewed the Oppenheimer movie today. Interesting, reminded Kadizzle of how the Republicans play the game. Socialism is the new communism in the Republican world. The movie clearly shows that the idea of communism was twisted to suit the needs of the conservatives of the time. Slice it and dice in any way you please, but a lot of what Karl Marx wrote was prophetic and true. That does not suit the greed driven Republicans and never has. So much of Capitalism is all about abusing the working class. You can spin it any way you want and fly ten American flags, but the truth is wage slavery is upon us and has been since the country was founded. Coal miners were abused almost as badly as slaves, farm workers to this day are treated like slaves. If you stand up for the mistreated what does that make you? Does that make you evil if you want the people at Walmart to make a small portion of what the CEO gets at 8,000 an hour? Twisting logic and reality works for the Hoopleheads, but it did not work for brilliant people like Oppenheimer.  

If a Hooplehead watched the movie, would they come away thinking any different? Who knows? Hooples are not good at history. As a Hoople what E=MC2 means. If they can answer more than likely there is hope for that Hoople. If they fail the test, you know you got a good Hooplehead on your list. 

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