Saturday, July 01, 2023

The Truth is spilled all over the place

Awake old Kadizzle just read two truth bombs. One was about the Russian Wagner guy who told the truth about Putin, the other was another Chris Christie truth bomb with Maureen Dowd. Of course the Hooples are unaffected by truth. When you do read, you realize the Hoopleheads don't. It is impossible to be as lost in space as the Hooples and read anything of merit. When you speak with a Hoople you realize they have some special right wing feed that supplies them with special fantasy.

Once in awhile speaking to a young person is uplifting, but at other times you realize they have fallen into the Trump rabbit hole. Nothing is sadder than hearing some young person in their late teens mimicking their Hooplehead father, or hero. These are the same teens with the plan to get rich as gamers.  


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