Friday, July 28, 2023

Hooplehead encounter

Kadizzle hopped on the ebike for the morning ride. Buzzing through the Green Valley ponds Kadizzle saw a dinger with a Trump hat. Kadizzle cannot resist talking to a dinger. Stopping the feisty older woman and Kadizzle had a nice conversation. Another woman who appeared to be Asian American sat patiently and listened. The amazing thing was we had a good conversation. If you give people a chance miracles happen. It turned out the Trumper was on the board of the Tea Party. Kadizzle had a chance to tell her his side of the story and invite her to Donuts with Dems tomorrow. If she shows up it will be a miracle. Of course she knew Shirley. Kadizzle invited his new acquaintance. It was a nice encounter and we both learned we could have a civil conversation. 

Like so many of these encounters once you actually talk you find out you agree on way more than you imagined. This nice older woman was for gun control, a shock to Kadizzle. 

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