Sunday, July 23, 2023

OK, another day

Music is a great way to start the day. So below is a song Kadizzle ran across. Another song Kadizzle has been fascinated with is " The Nickel over there". The Nickel is a strange song and the words do not immediately make any sense. Kadizzle got intrigued with the song and the words. A little research gave some clues to the words. The song is about run away boys in Los Angeles. The Nickel is a name Hobos gave to the area where the boys stayed. 

Well Monday is radio day.  This will. mean doing some homework. The economy under Joe Biden has actually been remarkable. Biden was handed a real mess by Trump. Biden dug us out of a big hole. We have returned to normal and with any luck Trump the Satan of the Republicans will be jailed. Wishful thinking. 

What if you are in a distant place and you want to hear our radio broadcast? On the internet you can search for KMOG radio and listen at 9 Payson time. Check to see what time zone you are in and what time zone Payson is in. 

The show will be interesting. Right wing Hoopleheads will vie with normal Americans to call in. Of course the right wing Hooples will try to divert the topic. Kadizzle has written Charlie a letter asking to keep the train on track. Good luck with that, Charlie is a promoter of the right wing conspiracy theories, the deep state paranoia and on it goes. It should be interesting. Charlie is going to be gone, and hopefullly KMOG will replace him with a more open minded, better informed host that realize how to conduct a radio show that fosters intellectual discussion. Charlie is obsessed with sex, Charlie loses sleep at night worrying about transgender people urinating in the wrong bathroom, then of course you got the groomers teaching children to be homosexuals. 

It occurs to Kadizzle that people so worried about other people's sexual preference have a problem with their own. Mrs. Kadizzle said she did not like the same song Kadizzle liked. Does that mean we cannot be husband and wife. What color you paint your house is your choice. Choice is something Republicans have a problem with. Women don't get to choose if, when, or how to have children. You don't get to choose how to vote, by mail, by ballot, or by district. You might make the wrong choices and Republicans just want to help you choose Jesus. Republicans are all about freedom. That is the freedom of the government to choose for you. Free speech is fine if it does not include  books the Republicans don't like. Freedom is strange in the world of the Republicans. Trump is free to lie. Fox is free to lie, just like Kari Lake and Wendy Rodgers. Logic is not a big seller for the Republicans. 

One strange thing the local Republicans are doing is sponsoring movies. What movies? The most racist, insane movies they can get their hands on. Recently they played " Birth of a Nation". The Klan was portrayed as a wonderful thing in that movie. Also they have recently shown a movie with the " Chem trail" insanity. Anything to feed the appetite of the Hoopleheads for nonsense. 

Yesterday Kadizzle spoke with his oldest sister. She pointed out nothing will penetrate the cult mindset of a Hooplehead. Hopefully she is wrong. As the planet burns we will become toast, the Hooples are like gas on the fire. While our government is consumed with right wing lies and conspiracies the planet burns. 

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