Saturday, July 22, 2023

Read Maureen Dowd today in the NYT

 Slept so hard it wore Kadizzle out. The donut gang will meet at ten. Old Charlie the KMOG right wing mini Rush is cashing in. He will be gone. Yesterday Kadizzle tried to listen to his contorted radio show. Charlie has a real problem with transgender people. Maybe Charlie is not sure what is in his pants. Why do people like Charlie get so upset with sex? People get confused about sex, but they don't hurt anyone. The people Charlie helps get confused about Trump are destroying the country. 

The twisting and contorting that spews from right wing radio is insane. The whole concept is based on someone is doing evil and they are out to get us. Yes, someone is doing evil and they are out to destroy the country. It is the Republicans party and Donald Trump. Who supports them? Right wing radio. Republicans pour gas on the fire and complain they are getting burnt. 

Back to Charlie Seraphin. Charlie's son was fired from the FBI. Like a lot of dolts that get fired his son claimed he was a whistleblower. There is a market for Whistleblowers.  Once you break into the conspiracy circuit you start a podcast, and get an audience of right wing nuts. Apparently the son has achieved this. Dad, or Charlie is in about the same boat as his son. The radio station realized Charlie is a losing proposition, so dad is going to go on the conspiracy circuit with his son.  How do you make any money whipping the Hoopleheads into a frenzy? Good luck Charlie. KMOG will have to get someone to replace Charlie, hopefully it will be someone with a more honest game. 

Where is the market for right wing conspiracy and scary stories about the deep state? Right here in Payson the Tea Party eats up this kind of crap. Kari Lake, Wendy Rodgers and a few others have figured out you can go on the circuit and the dingers will donate money to you. Wendy has a following, and so does Kari. The Hooples will donate money to lairs. Trump has made millions with his criminality and lying. The more indictments he has the more money the Hooples send him. Remember the good old days in the South when the Klan flourished by spreading fear of black people?  Now Charlie and his son can sell the deep state story.  China is a great thing to use, throw in some transgender, and mix it up with a little Hunter Biden, and you got a hit. 

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