Wednesday, July 05, 2023

Ignorance is Bliss

If reality is a problem, ignore it. Yesterday Kadizzle saw two old wallygumples walking along down by the park. The skinny old man had on a MAGA Trump hat. Kadizzle could not resist and engaged the wallygumples about supporting Trump. It was obvious they were deep in the cult. No fact, no information would pull them out. It was just like talking to Mormans in the fog they live in. They bought the party line and there is no going back. 

Reading the NYT this morning it is clear how the wealthy have manipulated everything to funnel money to the rich. The interest we pay on the national debt goes to the wealthy, so why would the wealthy want to reduce the debt? Another article by Paul Krugman pointed out how the tech billionaires refuse to face reality and help promote Republican fantasies. 

A little encouraging news. There is no question the whole Trump thing is fueled by people without a college education. The good news is more people have become educated enough to see through the Trump lies. Most American cannot read a gas gauge. The country is about ready to run out of freedom, air, water, and just about everything it takes to lead a decent life. How do you know when your car is out of gas? The engine stops. It would be wise to do something before the car stops, but that is not the American way. We are coasting along on nonsensical ideas. Gas is expensive, so if we buy gas we cannot get a hamburger. Hamburgers taste better than gasoline and gas is just too expensive. 

Why not do what used to work? In the old days taxing the rich worked, it made everything better. Nope, none of that. The rich have purchased the government, and they don't like giving up the competition to build the biggest yacht. 

There is no problem. There is enough air, water, food, land, housing, and everything else. What is the problem? The problem is simply a small group of people has taken way more than their share. 400 families own half of everything in the United States. Does that create a problem? Hell yes, but my TV works, and I have enough money to buy treats for the dog so is there really a problem? 

Kadizzle figures he has about ten years to go. Looks pretty good for crossing the finish line in style. So what is the problem? Well, it is the kids, and the grandchildren. The planet is in peril. Not nice to leave a mess for someone. That is what we have done. I got mine, the hell with you. That is the Republican mantra. As a doctor do you tell the patient the truth or let them feel good about the cancer that is killing them. Trump has mastered lying to the patient, and the Republicans love the idea. So let's go about our merry way and have a nice day. Winky will watch the tour de France on TV. In one part of Europe it is sunny and crowds watch a bicycle race. Not so far away the Russians, and Ukrainians will spend the day bombing each other. 

In our country we will have two or three mass shootings while we watch fireworks, drink wine, and eat wonderful food. What me worry?

Republicans would rather see their own children shot to pieces at school than pay taxes. So we let the gun nuts run wild to get some Republicans elected. Very strange world we live in. As long as no one Kadizzle knows gets a bullet through the head no point in getting upset. The news pointed out last night that gun nuts don't exactly understand gravity. A few years ago a 14 year girl was killed by a bullet that fell from the sky. Gun dingers think you can shoot a bullet up in the air and it will not come down. Actually the dinger think it will not come down on the dinger. That is how the Republican mind works. Greed will not affect the rich, only the poor. Nope, the bullet will come down. 

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