Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Move four tons of gravel

 It is 5:41 A. M.  At seven a truck will show up with four tons of gravel. Kadizzle and a hired man will have to move the gravel with a wheelbarrow to the crawl space. Maybe Kadizzle did not hear the hired buy right, but it seemed like he wanted paid fifty dollars an hour. Hope that ain't so.  Who says the economy is bad?

Lately you can sit on our deck and watch it rain over by the mountains, but it never makes it over here. 

As usual Kadizzle parused the NYT this morning, a couple interesting articles. One article is about a group that roams Venice and points out pickpockets. Another article is about how men are becoming too feminized. At least that is the Republican spin. The macho man is a key to the Trump idiocy. Being stupid is macho. In the evening when we enjoy sitting on the deck the macho men disturb the quiet with the booming exhaust of motorcycles, trucks, and goofy cars. If you can make a loud noise the girls will think you are a macho man. 

Kadizzle hates the noise dogs.  The worse noise dog in the world was on Lake Sakakawea.  A goof with some sort of cigarette boat took great pleasure in disturbing everyone. Once in awhile those type goofs show up at Lake Roosevelt. Noise travels well over water.  

Payson has a special bunch of idiots that fly American flags from the back of their trucks. They want to leave no doubt their brains went south. 

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