Sunday, January 19, 2020

The Ride

The sky was as clear as a mountain stream and the temperature was perfect for the journey back into the mountains that surround us.  Kadizzle took off yesterday for one of the best motorcycle rides ever.  The other day while out with Helen, Kadizzle told himself he would like to come back and enjoy the road the Forest Service had just graded with their bulldozer.  Only a bulldozer could hand such a road.  Even after being freshly graded the road was a real challenge.  Of course that is what created a lot of the enjoyment.  The road was like an artery that wound it's way miles into an area that few get to see.  After a rain or two it will be impossible again to get there. 

On the first part of the trip Kadizzle encountered Cindy and Shawn on horseback.  At the same time all in the same spot was a singler hiker.   Kadizzle talked to the horse back riders for a while and had a nice talk with the hiker on the way back.  At the very end of the road are two crystal clear ponds and somewhat of a meadow.  The location would be such a nice place to camp.  A 360 degree view of splendor surrounds the ponds.  Often in big cities Kadizzle thinks humans are over running the planet.  They are, but these vast wilderness areas are reassuring.  There are places in Arizona, Utah, and the rest of the southwest that are extremely remote.  Even West Virginia and North Dakota have areas most people are incapable of getting to.  This is a good thing and visiting these areas is refreshing.

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