Tuesday, January 07, 2020

Morning at the Executive Suite

A brisk walk down to the executive suite (also known as the outhouse).  The sun is not up, but the horizon is starting to glow.  Sitting on the throne with the door open Kadizzle can hear coyotes so close an attack may be imminent.  The noise they animals make is amazing, and there are a lot of them around here.

In the background NPR is playing, and Kadizzle is sitting in the Earth Module alone.  Jasper Littlebottom has already taken off with the trail crew.  Kadizzle is going to stay back and cut brush here with the tractor, but the rest of the mountain goats are going up the Chillicot trail. 

Cheech is going to have a little boy baby for grandpa in a little over a month.  The women in the family had misplaced the pattern for boys, but Cheech being a designer has managed to produce the first male offspring after two girls.  Girls are fun, and Sylvie and Evie have been great playmates, but old Kadizzle can see himself having some fun with a boy.  At 70 Kadizzle realizes his boy playmate will be five when Kadizzle is 75.  The world is not fair.  Trump has proven that over and over.

That triggered a rant.  How illogical can Republicans be?  They want to have a trial with no witnesses.  Let's have a play with no actors.  Are these greedy rats nuts?  How can you call something a trial with no witnesses, and no one allowed to present evidence?  The mind of a Republican must be special with all the logic circuits removed.  God chose Trump and trying him would be like trying Jesus.  Trump is perfect, he has the best words, the best lies, and is a stable genius. 

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