Thursday, January 16, 2020

The Prayer

If religion is actually doing some good perhaps Kadizzle does not mind it, but rarely is that the case.  Today Kadizzle was thinking about some of his non believer friends.  One dear friend used to call himself an orthodox atheist.  Kadizzle is not an atheist, he is an agnostic.  Most people are clueless about the difference.  It is pretty easy.  Agnostics admit what they don't know.  If there is a god who believes in slavery, starvation, war,  TV evangelist, and Donald Trump Kadizzle does not want to believe in him even if he does exist.  Now,  onto today's subject.

The Hazen City Commission has taken on the concept of praying before every commission meeting.  This seems like some of the Trump tricks to play on the weak minded.  Now what if.  What if Kadizzle showed up and insisted that he be allowed to give the prayer.  Here is the prayer.

Dear God. 
If you can make Donald Trump president you can give him cancer of the rectum.  I beseech thee to see fit to do so. Oh God, the God that so many times destroyed whole groups of people innocent and guilty alike please destroy the Republicans.  God please give our commissioners the courage to stand up against all the evil our president and the Republican Party has brought down upon us.  Dear God remove the curse of Fox News and ignorance from our fellow man.  In the name of tax breaks, and tax free religion we ask this in your name.  Will the God that so much has favored the rich bestow a few blessings on the rest of us.

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