Friday, January 10, 2020

No one believes anything

Who shot down the plane?  Everyone is cooking up a theory.  Russia has successfully elected Donald Trump and the same Russia has Americans at the point where they feel no news sources can be trusted. Trump and his incessant lying is such a prize for the Russians.  What could be better than the Trump cult to create mass ignorance in our country.  Stirring up idiots has historically been a scary thing.  Look back at the inquisitions, witch trials, McCarthy,  and none of it ended well.  There is a long article in the New York Times today about how Russia is going to hack our next election.  Russian knows how easy it is to play on our dolts.  Over and over you see statistics that one third of Americans are certified dolts.  Look at the stump preachers that bilk old ladies, and simple minded evangelicals. The stump preachers know how to milk idiocy.  Look at the lottery, again milking idiocy.  Now do some simple math.  If the Republicans automatically own one third of the population by getting the dolts for free, then all they need is a small margin of milder idiots to get them up to forty percent.  After they have forty percent then you add the greed dogs.  The greed dogs are those near the top who are awash in money.  If the greed dogs make up ten percent of the vote do the math.  Add up the dolts, the greed dogs and the mild idiots and the Republicans get over fifty percent.  One thing that has saved us in the past was that many of the dolts did not vote.  There is hope.  If the dolts are suffering they may wake up.  We are entering a very scary election.  Too many people are asleep at the wheel.  As long as enough people are fat and happy it goes in favor of the Republicans. After reading the NYT article Kadizzle fears the Russians may succeed.  What the Russians want is chaos.  Who better to create chaos than Donald Trump?

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