Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Fun with Gambit

If you have been following this story this morning, Kadizzle mentioned the phone gambit earlier.  Wellk, Shanika wanted some breakfast so Kadizzle went down to the little breakfast room at the hotel. Before he walked in he pretended like he was talking on the phone.  In the breakfast room Kadizzle loudly said into the phone " Be sure and call those crooked senators who are going along with the Trump cover up".   It worked instantly.  Some simple minded goat started pointing to a pin on his coat.  Kadizzle was puzzled and could not make out what the pin was.   What is it?  It turned out to be an American flag.  The goat said That is why we are great, because Trump made us great.  Kadizzle gave the man a loud rant about what a crook Trump was and mentioned that sure America is great when you have to have three jobs to stay alive.  The goat quickly exited.  Trump toys with the simple minded, why can't Kadizzle.  So if you find out Kadizzle has been shot by a right wing goat don't be surprised.

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