Sunday, January 05, 2020

Attack the Wagon Train

Remember the old westerns when you were a kid?  The Indians were angry and they were going to attack the wagon train.  Up on the hill they sniffed the wagon train below.  Here we sit waiting for the Iranians to attack.  Remember how nervous everyone was as they passed through Indian country?  It was always fun when the wariors streamed down the hill and they circled the wagons.  Trump longs for the day.  Who wants to watch and impeachment when you can watch a wagon train get attacked?

Back in New Zealand they had a lot of one lane bridges.  It had to have been a cost saving effort.  Every one lane bridge in New Zealand could be replaced for the cost of one American Tank.  We like tanks better than bridges.  In a small country with a limited budget you have to spend wisely.  On the other hand when you live in a country of abundance you have all the wars you want plus a nice flat screen TV.

Winky, Kadizzle, and the trail crew scrape to get a few goodies to work with.  The blades on the mower are worn down like baseball bats.  Then the jets fly over, the military jets costing hundreds of thousands of dollars to chase each other down the mountain valleys.   About three seconds of jest time would buy us some new mower blades.  Everyone in New Zealand has health care, but they are a little short on jets.  What are they thinking.

Looks like it will be a very nice day.  Kadizzle make get the motorcycle fired up.  Winky keeps talking about how bad it is up at Peter Bigfoots.  Maybe a trip up there will be in order. 

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