Saturday, January 18, 2020

Save the barf bag you will need it.

Yesterday Kadizzle called the offices of Hoeven, and Cramer to do his civic duty.  Cramer sent a letter back by email explaining how Trump had the perfect conversation when he extorted the Ukraine.  Cramer's willingness to be a stooge for Trump is just sickening.

Today the sun is appearing in all it's glory.   Should be a laundry day.  The Forest Service provides us with a washer dryer set up in the campground.  Perhaps there will be an adventure of some sort today.  Winky wants to ride bikes down the Salt River.  Kadizzle is thinking about a long motorcycle on the road they just graded.  Both the Kadizzles slept in and got a nice topper.  A topper is when you go back to sleep and top off the tank.

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