Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Another Planet

We just got back from another planet. Planet Mexico is about ten minutes from here.  Kadiizzle gave away a lot of money today. How can you resist giving beautiful Mexican children money?  They need the shit, Kadizzle has plenty.  What  a strange planet Mexico is.  Everyone is selling fribbles, worthless shit to stay alive. Total insanity is all you can feel when you cross the border into the land of dental works, glasses, and cheap drugs.  What in the hell is going on?  Do you need some nonsensical Mexican crap, some glasses or your teeth fixed?  Shanika and Kadizzle just got back from Mexico.. We ate and payed to hear the music we wanted.  We drank margaritas and Shanika said his was worse than mule piss.  Anyway we are back in A mer ric ca.  Half buzzed and about to get up to date on impeaching the rat.

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